Well I am doing something that I never thought I would ever do and that is creating a blog! At one time I claimed I would never have a facebook, twitter, or blog page. At the time they all just seemed to be something else I had to keep up with and life is busy enough as it is after all. However, over time I have begun to see these as easy ways to connect with friends and also tools for ways to share my faith with others as well as encourage other believers to keep on keeping on. I think it’s absurd to have these resources at our disposal and not to take advantage of them. What breaks my heart is when I see many people who have such a following, yet they use these networking sites to only make much of themselves. I would like to be clear that the purpose of this blog is to glorify Christ and to make much of Him as He works through my life. I want to be an encouragement to people and to also challenge others to continue to fight this battle we are facing.
Speaking of facing battles I would like to explain why I have chosen to name the blog Make War. Many believe and teach that the Christian life is an easy life free of problems yet Scripture tells a completely different story. Being a Christian is about a fight! It is a battle we are facing, and many aren’t even putting up a fight! Most would attribute Satan as being the one we are up against, and yes Satan is our adversary as well as all of the forces of darkness. (Ephesians 6) I do believe, however, that many of us use Satan as a scapegoat for why we sin when the problem is really us!! The real reason why God is not being glorified in our lives the way He should is because we too often give into our flesh desires. The problem is not Satan, our friends, our family, television, music, or anything other than US! We are the problem and until we deny ourselves and get US out of the way, we will continue to be slaves to our flesh. The answer is to Make War with our sinful flesh and put it to death! (Colossians 3) Jesus made this possible by dying on the cross so we don't have to be slaves to our flesh anymore. With the power of the Holy Spirit within us we can conquer our sinful flesh and have victory! It's time we stopped living in defeat and pressing on in His power and strength!
That is what this blog is ultimately all about and that is getting ourselves out of the way so that Christ might be magnified in us. Once this happens we will then impact others that we come in contact with by pointing them to the cross. It’s time we get on the front lines and Make War against ourselves and anything in this culture that would hinder our walk with Christ. Until we understand this, the church will continue to be stagnate and apathetic toward those who need the gospel!!!
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